


廖春元博士,亮风台创始人兼CEO,国际知名AR视觉交互专家,中央和上海“千人计划(创业)”入选者。毕业于清华大学和美国马里兰大学计算机系。曾任富士施乐硅谷研究院正研究员,领导移动AR核心技术研发,三获杰出成就奖,两获ACM顶级国际会议奖。2012年回国创立亮风台,发布国内第一款软硬结合AR平台,包括技术领先的增强现实开发平台HiAR SDK以及国内首款基于视觉交互的增强现实智能眼镜HiAR Glasses,致力推动中国AR产业化和国际化。

Dr. Chunyuan Liao is Founder and CEO of HiScene, a leading Chinese Augmented Reality technology provider. He is one of the national distinguished experts in Chinese government's "The Thousand Talents Plan". Dr. Liao received his Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees from Tsinghua University, China, and University of Maryland, College Park, U.S. respectively. He was a research scientist at Fuji Xerox Palo Alto Laboratory in Silicon Valley, where he was granted significant achievement awards three times and ACM conference awards twice due to his outstanding research in Augmented Reality. In the year of 2012, Dr. Liao founded HiScene, focusing on AR technology and applications. HiScene has released the very first Chinese AR platform that combines AR SDK and smart glasses, and continually commits to promoting commercialization and globalization of AR technology in China.